

陈泓• 茜茜公主 Hong Tesser•Sisi( 协会副会长兼公关部长,联合创始人)
师范学院毕业任上海唯一涉外中小学(法国领事馆馆长儿子)语文老师班主任,100 所小学5 人团总支文艺委员。93-98 年🇯🇵涉谷佳能照相机子公司老板秘书;银座最大洋酒涉外公司俱乐部经理- 高级日本翻译,客户群日本三井物产、伊藤忠,NEC等著名企业。99 年移居多伦多🇨🇦 获得第二学位”约克大学公共关系本科“荣誉证书。经营四年多加拿大华人最有名的的环球驾校(多伦多唐人街分校。)雇佣60 个资深香港教车教练。认识2 万多新移民。2004建立中🇨🇳意🇮🇹混血的家庭,相夫教子•培养孩子成才同时积极参加社区和学校家委会义工和各项慈善活动。儿子现就读于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)Business Economics/ Computer Science 而女儿还留在哥哥同校的世界20 所中高中藤校(🇨🇦的百年私校)Appleby College读书。曾任第一位华籍家长委员会体育行政长官2 年)

多伦多旗袍文化和越剧文化的传承人之一,2015 至今担任多伦多画中人旗袍协会副会长(西区分会从无到300 多人规模、负责西区4 个城市的演出和社区活动)并在”旗袍之父“天津的刘冰的世界纪录旗袍长卷”项目中被选入丝绸画册•多伦多卷• 首批中国个人旗袍邮票。专业化妆师、形象设计师。

艺术领域•曾出演微电影《美人季》,2019 加拿大本土超模选秀选美超模大赛慈善大奖;2020 🇨🇦国家电视台 首届-世界旗袍皇后大赛-季军🥉得主•最佳才艺奖-当晚越剧《柳毅传书•湖滨惜别》选段(经越剧张派传人袁小云指导);曾在越剧多伦多近年来首次名家汇演丁小蛙(毕派传人)和傅/ 袁派传人裘丹莉的《打金枝》中扮演丫鬟角色; 并活跃于加拿大CCTY爱华春晚组委会和🇨🇦海外作家协会(VIP作家)。

慈善事业参加港澳台大陆知名演员名人参加的🇨🇦颐康网上接力竞唱九小时等活动;支持多伦多话剧《雷雨》许导的慈善义演•出演: “镇店三宝“;代领画中人旗袍西区分会协助总会在中秋慈善义演中捐赠给“万锦第6 区长者协会“$18313 加币;多年来参加🇨🇦最著名的密市Carassauga和Brampton 的多元文化节Carabram 演出收到Susan Brampton 市长等的好评。

疫情期间出版了两部畅销小说,并将《薰衣草女孩》翻译成英文。《奔向爱》和《薰衣草女孩》受到了广泛好评被誉为浪漫派作家。2024年,我举行了《薰衣草女孩》英文版新书签售庆典和记者会。仅仅几个月近350 本几乎售空。并在发布会上安排成立了加拿大中文作家协会,并被当场任命为此作协的公关部长。

此外,我的家族在多伦多地区拥有多家餐厅,包括六家(在加🇨🇦比Tim Horton 还要历史悠久的70 多年连锁品牌)Swiss Chalet、三家Harvey’s和一家Fionn MacCool’s。我们在疫情期间为一线医务人员提供了用餐优惠或免费餐食,以支持社区。丈夫曾担任世界和🇨🇦福特汽车公司市场外联部董事高管和韩国起亚汽车公司加拿大副总裁。


Chen Hong (pen name princess Sisi), Hong Tesser Sisi (Vice President and Public Relations Minister of the Association, Co-founder), graduated from York University in Canada and Shanghai First Normal College. She is one of the inheritors of Qipao culture and Yue opera oversea, a romantic writer (author of three bestselling novels in Chinese and English), a professional makeup artist, and an image designer, among other roles. She has worked as a teacher and served as an executive in the Shanghai School Alliance.

During her time in Japan, she held positions as a senior executive at Canon, a senior manager at the Ginza Club, and a high-level Japanese translator, with clients including well-known companies like Mitsui & Co., Itochu, and NEC. After moving to Toronto in 1999, she managed the largest Chinese driving school in Toronto, the Chinatown branch of Universal Driving School, called Sisi driving school, and served as Vice President of the Toronto Qipao Association and Public Relations Minister of the Canadian Chinese Writers Association.

She actively participates in community volunteer work and various charitable activities. Her family’s well-known 70-year franchise chain restaurant group, Swiss Chalet, provides free meals to medical staff during the pandemic. Passionate about the arts, she appeared in the microfilm “Beauty Season,” participated in the 2019 Canadian Native Supermodel Contest charity awards, won third place and the Best Talent Award in the inaugural World Qipao Queen Competition, and took part in Yue opera performances and the organization of the Canada CCTY Chinese New Year Gala Committee. Her outstanding work and achievements have been widely reported and recognized by renowned media both domestically and internationally, be interviewed by Patrick – CEO of Xinflix Media( 新动力传媒)

She is fluent in multiple languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, and Shanghainese, and has a basic understanding of Cantonese, Italian, and Spanish.

She possesses strong cross-disciplinary integration and media coordination skills, along with a powerful network of connections in Canada, excelling in public relations and resource integration.

Contact me:

小红书ID: 331781703

快手ID: 3424553952

微频道:  5974 茜茜公主在多伦多

micro channel :  5889 茜茜公主

微信视频号:angie-luke (茜茜公主)